10 Days until DanceWeekend’22

Our countdown continues with Jade’s Hip Hop Academy Performance Company who will be performing Sunday July 17 at 1pm at the Fleck Dance Theatre.


FB: @jadeshiphopacad

IG: @jadeshiphopacad

TW: @jadeshiphopacad

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself/your company?

Jade’s Hip Hop Academy was established in 2009 with the goal of developing young professional dancers and giving them to opportunities to hone their performance skills through involvement in professional dance platforms and by giving back to the local community through dance.

What will you be sharing at DanceWeekend’22?

Questions & Affirmations

How has the pandemic shifted your work as a professional dance artist?

We’ve had to pivot a multitude of times and shift our programming and performance online.

Please share what you are most looking forward to at Dance Ontario’s return to live performances at DanceWeekend?

We look forward to returning to in front of a life audience and feeling the energy from the crowd.