Only 15 days until DanceWeekend 25th Anniversary Edition!

Today we are featuring commissioned artist Shameka Blake and her company Artists in Motion (AIM). She will be presenting her commissioned work “Child Soldier” at the following dates and times:

Friday January 19 – 8:55pm

​Saturday January 20 – 3:30pm

Sunday January 21 – 3:00pm

Don’t miss this world premiere!

Continue reading to find out more:


1. Can you tell us a little bit about your company/collective/school?

Artists in Motion (AIM) is a multidisciplinary dance company based in Toronto, Ontario. This dynamic group was founded in 2008 by choreographer Shameka Blake. 

AIM consists of a myriad of gifted professional dancers who are dedicated to elevating the art of the Urban dance scene to new heights. Genres including Hip Hop, African, Dancehall, Jazz, and Contemporary are often meticulously fused together to create unforgettable masterpieces. 


2. What will you be showing at DanceWeekend?

“Child Soldier”

The journey of a young Kenyan boy kidnapped from his village, stripped everything; home, family and humanity.


3. Can you talk about your creative process? What inspires you?

I am inspired by different auditory and visual cues. With each piece I create the process is different. This piece started with a poster that read ‘War Child.’ I was inspired and decided to explore this topic further. 


4. What is one thing you love most about your dance community?

Toronto is known for its cultural diversity and with that comes an array of different dance forms. A melting pot of cultural and urban dance styles allows Toronto dancers to be more open to expanding artistically. Furthermore, because the dance community here is so small and there are a lot more dancers than job opportunities there is a consistent drive to reach the top. Determination is the key to success and Toronto dancers are full of it.


5. What does performing at the 25th Annual DanceWeekend mean to you?

It is such an honor that I get to share my work with other amazing and talented Ontario artists. 


6. What is one surprising/interesting fact about your company/collective/school?

We are a multidisciplinary company varying in cultural backgrounds and artistic expressions. 


Photo by: E.S.Cheah Photography