Harbourfront’s Torque Performance Series presents The Sacrifice, by South African choreographer Dada Masilo.

With The Sacrifice, choreographer Dada Masilo explores the minimalism and animality of Tswana dance in relation to Igor Stravinsky’s musical work, The Rite of Spring. For the choreographer, who grew up in South Africa in a Xhosa environment, the question is not only to do as usual and mix different dance genres but to set out to meet her deep origins and to work on identity markers: the collective, the scansion, the rites and even further, the sacrificial desire. “To ask something of the ancestors, you have to be able to give something in return.”  If today The Sacrifice reflects its Botswana heritage, it questions the evil humans do to themselves. Is it really necessary to change? What must be sacrificed? How can we start afresh? 

 The Sacrifice
May 16–17
Fleck Dance Theatre 


May 16 - 17 2023


8:00 am - 10:00 pm
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