ArtsBuild Ontario – is the only organization in our province dedicated to realizing long-term solutions to building, managing and financing the sustainable facilities you need – like theatres, galleries, concert halls and museums. With support from the Government of Canada and The Ontario Trillium Foundation ArtsBuild is creating an exciting suite of innovative tools, services and resources to help you with capital project planning, facilities management, accessibility, energy efficiency & sustainability and finance.- @ArtsBuildON Facebook LinkedIn – Dance Ontario would like to encourage members to take part in ArtsBuild’s new program offerings.

This would include an online learning site that offers everything from basic excel and MS office, through project management and graphics/design. Dance Ontario members can take advantage of this offer at the very low price of $150. Choose from a selection of over 1600 courses. Dance Ontario has contributed to the development of these programs through our role on the ArtsBuild Advisory Committee.