Since 2005, the Canadian Dance Assembly (CDA) has issued a message on behalf of the dance community in Canada as part of International Dance Day (IDD), which takes place on April 29th every year. The International Dance Council, a part of UNESCO, issues its own message each year and the CDA ensures that Canada’s vision is present and distinct while also supporting the IDD as a whole. This year CDA invited bboy Luca “Lazylegz” Patuelli to deliver his message of dance as an inclusive, accessible and universal art form. 


“No matter what age, race, sex or ability one may have, everyone can dance. Dance is within all of us.  Some choose to share it with others and some choose to keep it to themselves. Life is a dance whether we know it or not. We are constantly dancing with every movement we make, with every breath we take, and with every beat our hearts make, a rhythm is being created. It’s the slightest movements that make the greatest difference in a performance, just like in life it’s the little things that matter. Dance is the connection between you and the universe; while we are dancing we are developing ourselves based on the energy, the emotions, and the challenges we experience. It is up to us to determine how we want to communicate our dance to the world. Dance is the ultimate form of self-expression and it is the escape that always reminds us that everything is going to be ok. Dance challenges us to surpass our limitations by discovering strength within. So, live your life to the fullest and dance beautifully!” ~ Luca “Lazylegz” Patuelli