The PASO-OPSA Coalition is proud to announce the release of its Leadership Reports. Titled Advocacy Models Report and ASO Sector Profile and Leadership Study, these reports feature important information obtained from the Executive Director and the elected President of the Board of Directors of arts service organizations in Ontario. These findings and statistics can be useful for grant writing and other proposals, and are relevant for use by other arts service and non-profit organizations.
The research and these reports were made possible through generous donations by PASO’s member organizations, especially the Ontario Association of Art Galleries (OAAG), as well as funding from the Cultural Development Fund and the Ontario Arts Council. Gerald Smith (First Stage), Heather Young (Young Associates) and Eric Dubeau were commissioned to carry out the research and analysis for this project.
The Leadership Reports are also available in French. To obtain the French versions, please contact Lindsay Earnshaw, Advocacy Coordinator, at
About the PASO-OPSA Coalition
PASO-OPSA is a Coalition of Provincial Arts Service Organizations that strives to strengthen the environment for the individuals and institutions that create and disseminate the arts in this province and for public access to the arts. Its collective memberships are made up of individual artists as well as the performance and exhibition organizations that create and support artistic expression. PASO-OPSA operates on the principle of voluntary contributions of time and travel from Coalition member organizations. Connect with PASO-OPSA by e-mailing Bruce Pitkin at: or 416-408-4556 x11. Rosslyn Jacob Edwards can be reached at: Lindsay Earnshaw can be reached at or 416-408-4556 x15.
La recherche et ces rapports ont été rendus possibles grâce à de généreux dons par les organisations membres de PASO-OPSA, en particulier l’Association des galeries d’art de l’Ontario (AOGA), ainsi que le Fonds de développement culturel et le Conseil des arts de l’Ontario. Gerald Smith (First Stage), Heather Young (Young Associates) et Eric Dubeau ont été chargés de mener à bien la recherche et l’analyse de ce projet.
A propos de la Coalition PASO-OPSA
PASO-OPSA est une coalition d’organismes de services artistiques provincial qui vise à renforcer l’environnement pour les individus et les institutions qui créent et diffusent les arts dans cette province et pour l’accès du public aux arts. Ses adhésions collectives sont composées d’artistes individuels ainsi que les des organismes de performance et des expositions qui créent et soutiennent l’expression artistique. PASO-OPSA fonctionne sur le principe des contributions volontaires des membres de la Coalition. Vous pouvez rejoindre PASO-OPSA en envoyant un courriel à Bruce Pitkin, ou en le téléphonant au: 416-408-4556 x11. Vous pouvez rejoindre Rosslyn Jacob Edwards à Vous pouvez rejoindre Lindsay Earnshaw à ou 416-408-4556 x15.