Announcing: Arts Action Now!
Arts Action Now is Ontarians for the Arts primary activism vehicle.
We are looking for insightful, knowledgeable and proactive community leaders to volunteer as arts advocates and meet with local MPPs and Candidates. We encourage to you get involved! 
With your help, Ontarians for the Arts will engage with as many MPPs and Candidates in as many ridings as possible in the lead-up to the provincial election on June 7. Messaging, materials and training will be made available to prepare you for your meetings. Meetings will be organized by local advocates, supported by Ontarians for the Arts Regional Convenors, Steering Committee members, and staff.
The format

  1. Volunteers are recruited at the local level to help organize and with MPPs and Candidates ahead of the June 7 election.
  2. Volunteer spokespeople participate in a training session prior to their scheduled meeting(s).
  3. Meeting take place in art spaces, public places or MPP and Candidate offices. Spokespeople have speaking notes on hand.
  4. Teams debrief, complete a short evaluation, and forward feedback to Ontarians for the Arts.

What do we want incumbents or candidates to remember? 

  • The arts matter to their constituents and are an important part of community life.
  • Artists live and work in their communities. They support local business and help attract business.
  • The provincial government plays an important role in supporting the arts and culture sector.
  • The people they met were credible and passionate.

How do I get involved?

  • Option 1: Visit and click on SIGN UP FORM. If you are already receiving our newsletter, please enter your name, email, and complete the Arts Action Now section.
  • Option 2: Or, email [email protected] with your full name, telephone number and email address, as well as your home and work electoral districts (ridings).

Mark your calendar: Training Mondays at 1 pm in English and 2 pm in French

Every week, starting Monday, March 26, a one-hour teleconference training session will be available to Arts Action Now volunteers. Topics include messaging and delivery, media relations, language (safe/no-go zones), as well as a Q&A component.  

Email [email protected] to sign up for a Monday training session that works for you and precedes your Arts Action Now activities.

The Ontario Legislative Building, Queen’s Park

Why change the name?

There is a time to celebrate, and there is a time to advocate. Arts Action Now was chosen to eliminate any possible confusion “Arts Days Across Ontario” might have caused with “Culture Days”, an annual cross country movement that engages Canadians in the artistic and cultural life of their communities.

Arts Action Now has a clear activist bent, drawing inspiration from other successful movements.
March is provincial voter registration month!

Visit Elections Ontario to find your electoral district, register to vote and to learn more about elections in Ontario.