On February 26, OAC hosted Arts Days at Queen’s Park(AD@QP). I would like to thank the 60 plus arts representatives, some of whom travelled a great distance, for meetings with 55 MPPs, who were happy to meet with artists and other arts representatives to hear about the important contribution the arts make to their communities. Special thanks also to our provincial arts service organizations (the PASO coalition), who collaborated with us, as well as to the three national arts service organizations (Orchestras Canada, la Fédération culturelle canadienne-française and CAPACOA) who assisted us.

AD@QP was a great success, including nearly 1000 Twitter posts and 82 pictures posted using #ArtsDayQP / #JourdartQP and variations. The day culminated in a reception attended by approximately 100 artists and arts-organization representatives and many MPPs. We were pleased that Minister Michael Chan, as well as the two Culture Critics, PC MPP Laurie Scott and NDP MPP Paul Miller, joined us to speak on behalf of public support for the arts through OAC.