Windows of Time
Reflection. Separation. Protection. Connection. Space. Dance Ontario proudly presents Windows of Time the Film, uniting and showcasing the communities of Windsor, ...
Dance Ontario Staff.2022-05-24T16:02:37-04:00Sep. 10, 2021|Appointment News|
Reflection. Separation. Protection. Connection. Space. Dance Ontario proudly presents Windows of Time the Film, uniting and showcasing the communities of Windsor, ...
Dance Ontario Staff.2013-07-17T14:09:19-04:00Jul. 17, 2013|Appointment News|
Prime Minister Stephen Harper has named Shelly Glover to replace James Moore at the Dept of Canadian Heritage.Married with five children, ...
Dance Ontario Staff.2012-10-02T14:45:56-04:00Oct. 2, 2012|Appointment News|
Christina Taylor, Chair of the Quinte Ballet School of Canada (QBSC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Catherine (Cathy) Taylor ...