We have received changes to the COVID-19 screening requirements and updates to COVID-19 screening tools from theMinistry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries.

Businesses in public health unit regions that have returned to the COVID-19 Response Framework must implement active screening of patrons in certain zones. Please refer to What each zone means for information on how this may apply to your business or sector.


Workplaces were already required to screen all workers or visitors entering the work environment.


The following screening tools have been updated to further align with current advice as well as the return to the Framework:


  • The COVID-19 worker and employee screening tool can be accessed online or downloaded as a PDF.


  • The COVID-19 customer and patron screening tool can be accessed online or downloaded as a PDF.


Additionally, the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health has developed COVID-19 signage questions to support the new requirement for signage to be posted at all entrances for passive screening before entering a business or organization.