31: Kaeja d’Dance
31 years
2 world premieres
50 performers
4 AR experiences
Kaeja d’Dance celebrates our 31st Anniversary with 31 (TouchX + I am the Child of…). Grounded in memory, Karen Kaeja’s TouchX, and Allen Kaeja and Bruce Barton’s I am the Child of… (a collaboration between Kaeja d’Dance and Vertical City Performance), investigate the complexity of our lived experience. Community, perspective, and augmented reality technology creates two evocative worlds in this double bill show. With over 25 artistic collaborators and 33 community participants, these works devise movement from deeply personal stories, examining the universal power of reflection, resilience, and touch. Experience it for yourself at Harbourfront Centre between November 11-13 as PART OF TORQUE International Contemporary Dance Series 2022!