‘El Comienzo’ – Monthly Flamenco Performance in January

The 1st Tablao in 2023 is coming up❗️ Please join us to enjoy the start of 2023❣️

Tablao Flamenco Toronto is kicking off the new year at BoomBox / 647 College St. 🙂

This newly renovated super cool venue with a lot of yummy drinks and munchies will be a perfect place for you to enjoy ‘El Comienzo’. Please join us and let’s make the night ABSOLUTELY FUN!!!

Fantastic flamenco guitar by Matt Sellick

Beautiful voice by Shirlita Pili and Tamar Ilana

Elegant yet powerful and dynamic dance by Angela Deiseach and Kiyo Asaoka

Promo video https://youtu.be/wP6WU1PfJpI

Tickets : https://el-comienzo-tablao-jan2023.eventbrite.ca

Looking forward to seeing you there!!


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