It is believed that every living person is connected to one another with an invisible string, which binds us and creates the story in which we live and exist. The people we encounter, relationships we share, bonds we break, and new beginnings we grow are all held together by this invisible string, which may get tangled or stretched but never torn apart. This string brings us closer to those we are destined to intertwine with, regardless of time, place, or circumstance, as our destiny is held within our sonder strings. Sonder represents the complexity of one’s life and how one may be involved in it, with the understanding that every passerby is experiencing life to its fullest. The moments where paths cross, for any duration or reason, are impactful for both you and a stranger, with this connection potentially being faint and brief or the beginning of a lasting unity. Sonder explains the reasons behind our collisions, connections, and the creation of distance.
Unapologetic Dance Company is a Toronto-based dance company founded by Kahvontay Slaughter, an experienced creative with nearly 10 years of involvement in Toronto’s dance scene. The company is comprised dance artists who explore their truths and vulnerabilities through movement. Our company has become a safe haven for artists, both professional and pre-professional, over the years, allowing them to grow, excel, and showcase their true selves without any apology. Unapologetic Dance Company have performed for Art & Water’s Dockside Summer Series, City Centre Dance Showcases, and the closing act for DanceWeekend ’24, presented by Dance Ontario to name a few!
We are thrilled to announce that this year, we will be presenting our latest body of work, creatively directed by our senior company member, Zina Begovic.
Starring: Kahvontay Willis Slaughter, Bronwyn Cole, Maria Tereshchenko, Emilia De Prisco, Sophie Willet, Heidi Leigh Boileau, Andrea Canjura, Sage Faye, Kayleigh Dobbs, Olivia Burling, Alyssa Kryger, Lorin Calabretta, Danica Bell, Liyah Simbulan, Qiara St Amand.
Choreography: Zina Begovic, Kahvontay Willis Slaughter, Hannah Cohen, Anastasia Kolotova, Bianca Campbell, Emilia De Prisco, Bronwyn Cole, Maria Tereshchenko, Sophie Willet, Heidi Leigh Boileau, Andrea Canjura.
Produced By: Kahvontay Willis Slaughter
Creative Director: Zina Begovic