Upcoming C-I Training Teacher Courses

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Join Andrea Downie in-person in Toronto, ON for the Level 1 C-I Training Teacher Course & Certification, June 2-7. This course certifies those who successfully complete the (optional) practical exam to teach the Beginner and Intermediate levels of the work. The course fee includes instruction, handouts, and access to the beginner and intermediate C-I Training videos. Participants must be familiar with C-I Training and at least 18 years of age to attend. Additional information and registration here.
Join Donna Krasnow online for the Level 2 C-I Training Teacher Course & Certification, June 15, 22 & 29, 2024. This course certifies those who successfully complete the (optional) practical exam to teach the Advanced level work. The course fee includes instruction, handouts, and access to the advanced C-I Training video. Participants must be Level 1 certified if planning to undertake the Level 2 certifying exam. Additional information and registration here.
The registration deadline for both courses above is May 1, 2024.
Reminder to already certified C-I Training teachers: You can attend part/all of these courses in-person or remotely as a refresher at a reduced rate! Contact Andrea for more information.


Jun 02 - 07 2024


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