Windows of Time
Friday, February 25th, 7pm to 8pm EST
7 pm Film Screening
7:30 pm Panel Talk Back with artists and participants
Be the first to see and experience the Windows of Time Film! An exciting multi-city project with concept creator/facilitator Andrea Nann and concept creator/filmmaker Henry Mak. Windows of Time is a metaphor for the many barriers we face; defined by the Pandemic.
The window is a transparent barrier that has protected yet also separated us. Trapped and restricted us, isolated and contained us. It has kept us safe but also apart.
Through intuitive movement the film explores and cultivates hope. Through dance we can begin to transcend some barriers by opening a portal to reconnect us to one another, to ourselves and to nature. Windows of Time is a labour of love, resilience, community and above all else hope. Dance ON proudly invites you to celebrate this transformative film.