.The Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts(TAPA), in partnership with the Friends of the Artsnetwork met with 18 Toronto City Councillors on Friday, February 8, 2019 to discuss the ongoing cultural importance and continuing financial impact of arts and culture in Toronto. Teams of artists, administrators and youth will meet with City Councillors to make the case for continued and growing investment for culture in Toronto.

For over a decade, Toronto’s entire arts and culture sector has advocated tirelessly to encourage Toronto City Council to increase investment in arts and culture to $25 per capita. The Friends of the Arts Network is requesting this year that City Council increase its arts investment by $2 million.

“The arts bring people together; they are unifiers and builders of community. Vibrant, well-supported arts programming create a desirable and globally competitive city. Art is happening in every Ward of Toronto, from Etobicoke to Scarborough to North York,” said Amy Mushinski, Associate Director, Public Affairs at the Canadian Opera Company.

“The success and growth of the culture sector, supported by City Council’s investment, have been integral to building Toronto’s global brand and reputation as one of the most livable cities in the world. The Friends of the Arts Network is calling for Mayor Tory and Toronto City Council to continue as championsfor increased investment in the arts as a key contributor to a vital and prosperous city,” said Jacoba Knaapen, Executive Director of the Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts.

This year, the Friends of the Arts network asked the City to consult with the arts community, and that City Council should fulfil Mayor Tory’s campaign commitment to develop a new Culture Plan for Toronto, setting objectives and funding targets reflective of Toronto as both international arts destination and a city rich with locally accessible arts programming and engagement.

In addition, the Friends of the Arts network continued to advocate for Toronto City Council to double its investment in the arts and culture sector to $50 per capita by 2025. This investment will go part of the way to address the disparity in municipal cultural support compared to other major Canadian cities. Increased municipal investment in arts and culture will help the City ensure that every Torontonian has access to cultural participation in their communities and the benefits that flow from being included in the cultural life of the City.
See Arts Day at the City posts online and keep the conversation going:




ABOUT US: Arts Day at the City is an annual event led by TAPA, an arts service organization representing 201 professional theatre, dance, and opera companies operating across Toronto, including commercial and not-for-profit companies, and 64 performing arts venues. The Friends of the Arts network includes: Arts Vote Toronto, Arts Etobicoke, Business for the Arts, Canadian Dance Assembly, EastEnd Arts, Lakeshore Arts, North York Arts, Scarborough Arts, Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts, Toronto Arts Foundation and Urban Arts; as well as thousands of artists, arts workers, audiences, and community members who believe that a strong arts and culture sector is a vital part of the City of Toronto.