The provincial goverment has heard the concerns of dance studios and has modified regulations to allow them to  open withthe following restrictions.

Facilities for indoor sports and recreational fitness activities

13. (1) Subject to subsections (2) to (5), facilities for indoor sports and recreational fitness activities, including gymnasiums, health clubs, community centres, multi-purpose facilities, arenas, exercise studios, yoga and dance studios and other fitness facilities, may open if they comply with the following conditions:

1.  Indoor fitness or exercise classes must not be provided.

1.1  Dance classes may only be provided if,

i.  they are delivered for the purpose of teaching or training amateur or professional dancers in dance techniques,

ii.  all participants are pre-registered for the classes and no walk-ins are permitted, and

iii.  the other conditions set out in this subsection are complied with.

1.2  Dance competitions must not be provided.

2.  Any areas containing weights or exercise machines must be closed.

3.  The total number of members of the public permitted to be at the facility in a class, organized program or organized activity at any one time must be limited to the number that can maintain a physical distance of at least two metres from other persons at the facility, and in any event cannot exceed 10 people.

3.1  Each class, organized program or organized activity must take place in a separate room.

4.  No spectators are permitted.

5.  Any person who enters or uses the facility must maintain a physical distance of at least two metres from any other person who is using the facility.

6.  Team sports must not be practised or played within the facility, with the exception of training sessions for members of a sports team that do not include games or scrimmage games.

7.  Activities that are likely to result in individuals coming within two metres of each other must not be practised or played within the facility.

8.  Subject to subsection 19 (2), any locker rooms, change rooms, showers and clubhouses in the facility must be closed, except to the extent they provide access to equipment storage, a washroom or a portion of the facility that is used to provide first aid.

9.  Any equipment that is rented to, provided to or provided for the use of users of the facility must be cleaned and disinfected between each use.

10.  Activities that require the use of equipment or fixed structures that cannot be cleaned and disinfected between each use must not be practised or played within the facility.