Jan 29th was Bell Let’s  Talk day, a day Bell dedicates to raising awareness about Mental Health and raising funds for Canadian Mental health Initiatives. 

JHHA decided to join in this year, releasing a very special hip hop dance Theatre Production called Find Your Light in the Darkness on dedicated to Mental Health Awareness and how it effects our Youth. The work was performed last Sunday at DanceWeekend.
They are asking everyone to take a look at it on YouTube and share it with people in their family, friends and community whom they feel could use a pick me up and watch something uplifting. Stress, anxiety, loneliness, depression etc. Are more common now than ever before and we hope you take today to check in with those around you. 
Feel free to use the following blurb below to share the piece 🙂 you can also retweet our tweets and instagram posts.

Today is @Bell_LetsTalk day & we’re joining in raising awareness about #mentalhealth through hip hop dance with powerful Theatre piece by Jade’s Hip Hop Academy  youth called FIND YOUR LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS. Please share with anyone who could use some inspiration today ❤