Call for Submissions, Provocations, Volume 3: 

Art of Disruption

Our third volume of ProvocationsArt of Disruption, aims to build upon conversations that have been taking place around our editorial table, in our classrooms and schools, and in our theatre and dance communities. There is a sense of growing urgency related to questions of access, representation, and voice in our disciplines.  How might we evoke critical consciousness and inspire change through drama and dance?  What needs to be disrupted?

Please join the conversation! We want to hear from you in a medium of your choice: share a story, make some art, take a photo, write a poem, make a video, compile a list of resources,  submit student creations/reflections, share a research paper, make a video, interview someone, write a review, etc.  We welcome and celebrate different ways of being, communicating, and taking up space.

A Few Prompts….

  • What resources, voices, and artistic practices do you bring into your classroom? What dominates? What needs to shift?
  • How has a specific dance/drama project in your school/community disrupted the status quo in a meaningful way? 
  • How is your practice evolving and changing as your knowledge and understanding grows?
  • How might student productions serve as activism in your local community? 
  • How has disruption led to powerful learning in your space?
  • How does radical care show up in our classrooms and schools? What does it mean to ground care in anti-racism and decoloniality?
  • How is joy fostered through drama and dance? What resources spark joy?
  • How have you used a drama or dance source (picture book, video performance, script, poem, etc) to disrupt?
  • How have your students used drama and dance as tools for activism and disruption? 

Submission Deadline: December 13, 2023             Publication: May 1, 2024

Please review the Submission Guidelines and procedure for submission.

Questions? Email [email protected]


Job Type: Submission
