Our third volume of Provocations, Art of Disruption, aims to build upon conversations that have been taking place around our editorial table, in our classrooms and schools, and in our theatre and dance communities. There is a sense of growing urgency related to questions of access, representation, and voice in our disciplines.  How might we evoke critical consciousness and inspire change through drama and dance?  What needs to be disrupted?

Please join the conversation!We want to hear from you in a medium of your choice: share a story, make some art, take a photo, write a poem, make a video, compile a list of resources,  submit student creations/reflections, share a research paper, make a video, interview someone, write a review, etc.  We welcome and celebrate different ways of being, communicating, and taking up space.

Submission Deadline: December 13, 2023             Publication: May 1, 2024

Please review the Submission Guidelines and procedure for submission.

Questions? Email [email protected]

PROVOCATIONS: drama and dance in education is a new publication with a mandate to celebrate, problematize, and inquire into drama and dance in diverse educational settings. This venture aims to connect Ontario drama and dance educators by providing a vibrant platform for sharing professional knowledge, pedagogical practices, and research. The centering of teacher, student and arts educators voice and experience will be a hallmark of the publication.

Provocations’ audience consists of educators, K- post-secondary, who want to learn more about effective teaching techniques, share their own classroom discoveries and research, and have a platform for interacting with others. The journal will also be of interest to artist- educators and arts organizations. 


Job Type: Submission

Pay: Volunteer