TO Live’s explorations initiative provides funding for artists to research new ideas and test new techniques. We are now inviting applicants for 2023.explorations is an initiative to support Toronto-based artists who want to push the boundaries of their practice.

We are inviting applicants from across all disciplines. Six artists will be selected to each receive $7,000 to research their idea.

explorations has been conceived in recognition of the importance for artists to have the creative space and time, free from the pressure of predetermined outcomes, to feed artistic ambition and explore the possibilities of their own practice. Research is an essential part of the creative process that doesn’t always find a home within the norms of project-based funding models. The initiative is now in its third year, and you can learn more about the 2021 and 2022 artists below.

The deadline for applications to explorations is 5 pm on June 9, 2023.

Learn more here


Job Type: Submission
