Katherine was known as Canada’s Word Lady, she, unfortunately, passed on April 24th, 2021 due to a diagnosis of a specific virulent and fast form of brain cancer that took her life two weeks after its diagnosis. Katherine was able to grace her gifts to Canada’s Arts community with her love for ballet all throughout her adult life. Katherine founded the Tours en l’Air, a company that provided guided tours for balletomanes to see performances by the world’s leading ballet companies in Europe and North America. Throughout Katherine’s distinguished networking skills, she was able to arrange backstage visits with the dancers as well as tours to local museums and cultural sites, where she continued to make lifelong friends. Katherine also shared that same passion for singing, She cherished the opportunity to sing with her choir in Toronto as well as a visiting choir in Westminster Abbey, Salisbury Cathedral, and Canterbury Cathedral. Katherine was able to make a huge positive impact on Canada’s Arts Community and touched a lot of people’s hearts. Katherine was a true woman of achievements and will be missed by all.