A Liberal government will reinvest in our cultural and creative industries, to create jobs, grow the economy and middle class, and strengthen our rich Canadian identity, said the Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Justin Trudeau, today.

“Canada’s cultural and creative industries are a vibrant part of our economy and our national identity. Our artists, producers, composers, and technicians are world leaders in their fields and undeniable Canadian assets,” said Mr. Trudeau. “With more platforms available to share our Canadian content, now is the time for targeted investment that will grow local economies, create jobs for the middle class, and help Canadian artists share our stories.”

A new Liberal government will reinvest in our cultural and creative industries:

  • We will invest $150 million in new annual funding for CBC/Radio-Canada, a commitment that reverses Harper’s cuts and goes even further to ensure that our national broadcaster is able to fulfill its mandate – promoting Canadian culture, identity, bilingualism, and minority voices across the country.
  • We will double investment to the Canada Council for the Arts to $360 million per year from $180 million.
  • We will increase funding for Telefilm Canada and the National Film Board, with a new investment totalling $25 million per year.
  • We will restore the Promart and Trade Routes international cultural promotion programs that Harper cut, and increase funding to $25 milllion per year.
  • We will increase funding for the Young Canada Works program to help prepare the next generation of Canadians working in the heritage sector, as part of a renewed Youth Employment Strategy.
  • As part of our historic new investment in social infrastructure of nearly $6 billion over the next four years and almost $20 billion over ten years, we will invest significantly more in cultural infrastructure. These investments will include facilities used by communities to express and promote their culture.

“Culture is what defines us. It brings us together. Yet for a decade, our cultural and creative industries have been under attack by Harper,” said Mr. Trudeau. “I want our creators, in all fields, in all communities – including Indigenous Peoples and linguistic minorities – to feel supported and valued by their government. Cultural investment creates jobs, stimulates tourism, and improves our overall quality of life and sense of community. A Liberal government is committed to celebrating and supporting our rich heritage that makes us distinctly Canadian.” 


Additional Products:

Backgrounder – Real Change: Investing in Canadian culture and jobs 

Please read the arts ‘call to arms’ from Stéphane Dion on Saturday 26 Sept.: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/stephane-dion/a-nation-in-arts-the-libe_b_8186836.html


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