Hi there boys and girls,
I am Chrisa Assis and I am an Architect!

Personally and with all modesty I believe I have the coolest construction company in the world, Bautanz!

Do you know why? No?
Well, because in Bautanz we build dancers! We take people who absolutely LOVE dancing, like YOU, and help them become the dancers they know they can BE!

Here is what other people are saying about Bautanz


“Thank you so much! You have saved me from a lot of frustration and anguish! Thank you!”


“It was insightful and fun. You are a great teacher. Can’t wait to do it again!”


“It is amazing, not only because I can really practice without having a partner, but also because it gives me hope that despite my age I can still have good quality of movement, good quality of life”


“I love it. A good tool for everyday tango exercises. Thank you.”


“I am one of those tango dancers, who do majority of tango training on their own, working upon the knowledge delivered by maestros on the privates, and who really desire to master dancing. Chrisa and her BauTanz help me immensely here.

She is flexible, goal-oriented and knowledgeable. And above all, she really does take time, listens and thinks things through. Which means a lot to me, so I would recommend her wholeheartedly. Yep ”

I see things a bit differently than other teachers out there

I don’t believe in overused cliches such as:

“It takes TWO to Tango!” or “Dance like nobody is watching”

First of all, dance like everybody is watching! Look good, feel good, be confident, and walk on the dance floor to get some serious fun while consciously NOT caring about what people think of you.

It is YOUR time, YOUR dance, YOUR experience!

And I can show you how you can start building on that very thing today. Because, I believe it takes YOU to Tango

Your partner can mess you up but they can’t fix you up. You have to do that for yourself…  Being better, being stronger, being fuller will make you not only a better dancer but a better partner too..!
Invest in yourself so you can share more with your partners.

If you are walking on the dance floor feeling super nervous. Or if you are so much in your head thinking of all the rules, the rights and wrongs. I  can help you make all that more natural, free your mind from all the clutter and find the way to be musical, improvisational, creative and fun for yourself and for your partners

Also I don’t think you need to train for hours to start enjoying your dances to the fullest!
Instead I invest in short and smart practices AND mindset!
Bautanz builds on well rounded practice hitting on all or most of the crucial elements for Tango. And at the same it helps you define your perfect milonga and the path to get to it.

Last but not least I give away a large amount of material for free. Exercises, technique drills, improvisational tips and much more that I do myself during my daily practice.

I know you have a lot of choices in who you follow, so I know that it will take one post at a time to earn your trust. If though you want to know a little bit about me…

Tango came to my life truly by chance..!
I was into movement from a very young age ballet, contemporary and Greek folk dancing, martial arts, tennis...ha ha…you name it!

But it wasn’t Tango, the dance per say  that got me, it was the country..!
I always wanted to visit Argentina, so when I saw that Argentine Tango classes were offered at my dance school, I signed up to get a little bit closer to the culture of Argentina, and that was it!

I was very lucky, firstly because my first teacher Ermis Karaboulas (meet him here…) is an exceptional teacher.
Secondly because many of the most well known teachers visit Greece annually so I got a chance to take classes with:
Sebastian Arce and Mariana Montes, Sebastian Achaval and Roxana Suarez, Los Hermanos Macana, Pablo Veron, Milena Plebs, Raul Bravo, Geraldine Rojas and Ezequiel Paludi, Damian Rosenthal, Celine Ruiz, Monica Parra, Metin Yazir, and more.
But also later on, after coming to Canada, I got to chance to participate in seminars by Noelia Hurtado and Carlitos Espinoza, Horacio Godoy, DNI Tango and many more..!

My way of teaching  is inspired not only from all the wonderful teachers mentioned above, but also from my on going studies on Body, mind Centering, Axis Syllabus, Ido Portal and fitness
My wish is not only to share my love for this dance, or to teach people interesting steps, good technique and connection.
It is about giving people the opportunity to love DANCE!
To love creating something beautiful within their own bodies first and secondly with another human being

This is exactly my focus during my training, my personal practise, having the opportunity of getting better and better every day! To feel inspired and able to inspire more and more people!

This is what I got, from practicing in a smart, well- rounded way

  • Makes me feel physically better when I dance
    No more squeezing, pulling,reaching and pushing that caused tension
    I focused on discovering how to move my whole in unison to create a smooth, effortless dance
  • Allows me to enjoy every dance.
    No more waiting for the great dancers for a dance.
    Instead, I focused more on making the best out of every dance, while enjoying the confidence of in choosing my partners.

Time to become the dancer you know you can be!




Dance Form

Ballroom, Latin

Administrative Services

Box Office