The Ontario Arts Council has announced funding cuts to address a $1.6 million funding gap.  Council plans to reduce all operating grants and all project program grants by 5% across-the-board starting in 2015-16.  This reduction will yield $2.6 million, of which $1.6 million will be used toclose the funding gap, $500,000 to fund new and emerging arts activity, and $500,000 to reward excellence for some highly-assessed organizations in Year 1. 

Note that this policy applies as of 20115-16 so the November 1, 2014 program deadlines will not be affected.

These across-the-board reductions, along with potential for some increases, will apply to all of the approx 550 organizations that receive OAC operating grants, including the major organizations that receive the largest support.  95% will be the new base funding level for all organizations commencing April 2015.