July 13 – 2020 – The Ontario government has announced that a significant portion of the province will move to Stage 3 as of Friday, July 17th, with the exception of the GTA and parts of southern Ontario.  Find out what stage your region is in here.

Stage 3 in the Framework for Reopening our Province allows nearly all businesse to open while following gathering limits and health and safety regulations, including:


Live Shows, Performing Arts and Movie Theatres

Concerts, artistic events, theatrical productions, performances, and movie theatres may resume operations, including rehearsals, with the following restrictions:

Performers must maintain physical distancing of two metres from every other person,except from other performers where necessary for purposes of the performance.

Audiences are subject to the number of people that can maintain physical distancing ofat least two metres and cannot exceed gathering limits of 50 indoors and 100 outdoors.This applies to the entire facility, regardless of the number of theatres or performancestages within the facility.

Performers and staff are not included in the gathering limits.

Plexiglass or some other impermeable barrier is required between the audience andsingers as well as players of brass or wind instruments.

Drive-in and drive-through venues, as permitted in Stage 2, are not subject to gatheringlimits.

Concessions stands at drive-through venues may be accessed in-person or bydrive-through or delivery to vehicles.


Facilities for Sports and Recreational Fitness Activities

Examples of facilities for sports and recreational fitness activities include gyms, fitness studios, and community centres.

Physical distancing must be maintained, except if playing a team sport or as needed for personal training.

The total number of people permitted in areas containing weights or exercise machines is limited to the number of people that can maintain physical distancing of at least two metres, whichcannot exceed the indoor gathering limit of 50 people.

The total number people permitted in classes or organized activities at any one time is limited to the number of people that can maintain physical distancing of at least two metres, and cannot exceed the indoor gathering limit of 50 people or the outdoor limit of 100.

Assigned spaces are strongly recommended for organized fitness classes (e.g., by marking circles on the floor to designate where each person should exercise).

Gathering limits do not apply in all other areas (e.g., pools, tennis courts and rinks).

Equipment must be cleaned and disinfected between user sets or at the end of a game.

Any washrooms, locker rooms, change rooms, showers or similar amenities made available to the public must be cleaned and disinfected frequently.

Steam rooms and saunas are not yet permitted to open.


Read full press release