Statistics Canada will soon be conducting the Pilot Study on Everyday Well-being, in collaboration with Canada Council for the Arts and Canadian Heritage. The survey will run from January 10, 2021 to March 31, 2022. This project will use a new mobile-phone application called Vitali-T-Stat to test a new way of collecting data.
The goal of this survey is to gain a better understanding of the impact of certain activities, such as arts and cultural activities, that can influence the day-to-day changes in emotional moods and mental states of participants. These types of data are especially important at a time when COVID-19 has had an impact on the physical and emotional well-being of many Canadians.
These data could be used to better understand the factors that can promote emotional and mental resilience, which could result in the development of programs and services that improve the quality of life of all Canadians.
Download the app to get started!
  • Visit Google Play or App Store, search for Vitali-T-Stat by Statistics Canada and download the app onto your mobile device (Android or Apple).
Your responses are confidential and secure : The responses collected are transmitted directly to Statistics Canada’s secure Electronic Collection Portal. No response is stored on your mobile device.
The technology used to support the application meets Statistics Canada’s rigorous standards for both cybersecurity and privacy protection. That includes measures to physically and electronically limit the number of authorized employees with access to the data collected through this survey.
Who can participate?
Anyone over the age of 15 with a mobile device can download the free app and participate in this voluntary survey.