Shine the Light is a short interview documentary featuring Toronto BIPOC artists as they share their experiences in the contemporary dance, theatre and music industries.

TORONTO: During the summer of 2020, ProArteDanza connected with artists Miss Lyn, Pulga Muchochoma, T-Bai, and Gabriel Hudson to listen to their experiences as BIPOC artists in the Toronto scene. “People need to talk about it, be a little bit uncomfortable,” said dance artist and interviewee Pulga Muchochoma; “but if we’re afraid of talking about uncomfortable stuff, we cannot fix the problem.” 

To raise awareness about the diversity and inclusion challenges in the Toronto arts scene, the project hopes to get the conversation started around issues of race and representation by providing artists with the space to speak openly about their experience. “I’m a big advocate for being the change you want to see in the world around us,” added dance artist and interviewee Miss Lyn.

Shine the Light features Toronto artists from the dance, theatre and music industries. Lyn Loudan “Miss Lyn” is an independent black contemporary dance artist who performed for Tribal Crackling Wind, Chartier Danse and Coleman Lemieux & Compagnie and is the choreographer for BlackLightMatters contemporary dance for film project. Mozambique-born Pulga Muchochoma has performed in several shows in Toronto and Mozambique, including 11 seasons with Toronto Dance Theatre, where he participated in the opening ceremony for the 2015 Toronto Pan American Games. Actor Gabriel Hudson has recently originated the lead role of Stephen Smith in “Off The Island” and Maxwell in the short film “A Lack Of Colour.” Tyler Bailey “T-Bai” is an innovative rap artist debuting his first album “What’s Goin’ On?” in 2016 and most recently “Why Would I Kill Myself Now?” in 2020.

The interviews were conducted by dance artist Christopher Valentini under the direction of ProArteDanza’s Sasha Ludavicius. The music used in the video is from hip hop artist and interviewee T-Bai, with videography by Jake Ramos and video editing by Alvin Campaña. ProArteDanza extends our gratitude to all the participating artists and the behind-the-scenes team. 

To learn more and watch the interviews, visit:

ProArteDanza is a repertory contemporary dance company driven by the principle “passion in performance.” For over 15 years, our company brings excellence from studio to stage through performances and training programs that engage our diverse communities across Toronto and the GTA. ProArteDanza’s vision is led by the dynamic team of Artistic Director Roberto Campanella and Artistic Associate, Robert Glumbek.