Seven Students from Quinte Ballet School of Canada Receive Awards on October 26th
On October 26th at a special celebration with students, parents and supporters of the Quinte Ballet School of Canada, seven students received special awards. Thanks to a generous donation from Jonathan and Dawn Mau, the Quinte Ballet School of Canada launched a new Award of Encouragement that provides tuition support to five students currently enrolled for at least one year in Quinte Ballet’s professional training program. The first Jonathan and Dawn Mau Awards of Encouragement were selected by Quinte Ballet School of Canada’s Artistic Director Catherine Taylor and were presented to Talia Gauthier, Danika Irvin, Ellen Moore, Chantel Strangway and Hannah Young.  QBSC Artistic Director Catherine Taylor said, “Each of the students have trained with us for many years and are graduating in June 2019 from Centennial Secondary School. Talia is from Trenton and the other four students came from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Stratford to study with us. Jonathan and Dawn’s gift to Quinte Ballet is a great catalyst to inspire others to give and to support talented young people as they strive to achieve their goals and dreams in dance.” 

The Helen Kelly Award recognizes the achievements of students in their final year of studies at Quinte Ballet. QBSC announced that the late Sara Holton is this year’s recipient of the Helen Kelly Award. Christina Taylor, QBSC Board Chair accepted the award and said, “On behalf of Sara Holton’s family, student colleagues, teachers, staff, volunteers and friends, thank you Helen for this award. Sara loved to dance and we treasured her contributions and her talent while participating in the professional training program at Quinte Ballet. The school has been overwhelmed with emails, Facebook postings, memorable photos and cards expressing heart-felt thoughts and stories about Sara. Her parents have asked that the funds associated with this award be given to William Steers, a great friend of Sara’s who studied at Quinte Ballet School and is in his final year of studies with Alberta Ballet. They both were at summer training programs in 2017 in London, England – Sara at the English National Ballet School and William at the Royal Ballet School. William said, “Sara has encouraged me, inspired me and helped me find my passion again when I had to have surgery last year and had to take several months off my training. Sara had big dreams for her future. It is bittersweet for me this week as I dance in my first professional show with Alberta Ballet – Sleeping Beauty. The same ballet that I performed with Sara and others at my graduation from Quinte Ballet.”

QBSC General Manager said “Helen Kelly along with Kay Manderville were among the original members of the Belleville branch of the National Ballet Guild that helped to increase public awareness of ballet in our community. Helen is a founding member of the QBSC Guild who were instrumental in bringing our Founding Artistic Director, Brian Scott to teach here. In 1972, the Quinte Dance Centre was established and the rest is history.

Quinte Ballet students were involved in a special tribute to long-time Quinte Ballet supporter Jack Press who provided seed money for new tutus to be purchased for the school.