Toronto’s Economic Development Committee approved a recommendation to increase arts grants funding to Toronto Arts Council by $4 million in 2013. Funding recommendations totalling $2 million were also approved for other arts and culture programs including the Major Cultural Organizations and the Local Arts Service Organizations. The report will go to City Council for final approval on April 3.

Toronto Arts Council funds artists and arts organizations in every neighbourhood of the city through its grants programs. In 2012, approximately $10.3 million was disbursed to 419 arts organizations and 272 individual artists following assessment of 1562 applications. There is widespread public support for increased investment in the arts in Toronto. In addition to contributing to a vibrant city that attracts people to live, to work and to visit, a strong arts sector is also perceived to bring powerful economic benefits to our businesses and neighbourhoods:

New funds for 2013 will have a far-reaching impact on TAC, Toronto’s artists and the city. A $4 million increase will give TAC the ability to begin to address funding inequities amongst currently funded organizations while also providing new support for culturally diverse arts organizations, youth, artists working in the inner suburbs and community engaged arts projects. Additional funding increases anticipated over the next three years will support TAC to develop new programs and assist with our goal of increasing accessibility to the arts throughout the entire city.

Toronto Arts Council thanks the arts, business and civic leaders who have worked with dedication over the years to ensure increased City Council support for arts grants. In the end, it is important to note that City Councillors from all sides of the political spectrum were unanimous in their commitment to increase investment in Toronto’s arts and culture.

[Reprinted Courtesy of the Toronto Arts Council]