Dance Umbrella of Ontario (DUO) has announced the launch of the Transition & Transformation In The Ontario Dance Sector: Research and Feasibility Study!

With support from The Government of Canada, Ontario Arts Council, The Metcalfe Foundation and The City of Toronto, DUO has engaged consulting firm Nordicity and Cultural Strategist Bridget MacIntosh to conduct a feasibility study and needs assessment around the Ontario dance community’s rehearsal and creation space needs. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the closure of many of these spaces – some, permanently. As we navigate this period of pandemic transition, and eventual recovery, Ontario needs sound data to support the rebuilding of the dance ecosystem. This study is the first of its kind for dance in Ontario.


Please visit the project page for more information and stay tuned for updates. The report is set to be released in May 2022 and our community consultations will be starting shortly and

scheduled until mid February.